What are the European solar energy projects

Solar energy

As part of the REPowerEU plan, the Commission adopted in May 2022 an EU solar energy strategy, which identifies remaining barriers and challenges in the solar energy sector and outlines initiatives to overcome them …

Our technologies

In European Energy we are developing, constructing, operating, managing and divesting …

20 Biggest Solar Projects in Europe by 2021

Solar energy in Europe is currently becoming a viable renewable energy option. Read this write-up to discover the biggest 20 solar plants/projects in Europe. Author''s Bio

Solar Energy Development In Europe: Opportunities & Challenges

The future of solar energy in Europe looks bright. EU solar grew by 25% between 2021 and 2022, from 167.5 GW to 208.9 GW comparison, the previous year saw …

Our technologies

In European Energy we are developing, constructing, operating, managing and divesting renewable energy projects. Our core business is built on energy from the sun and the wind …

European Solar Charter

Solar energy, in particular photovoltaics (PV), is currently the fastest growing renewable energy source in the EU. Last year, 56 GW of solar PV were installed in the EU, two thirds of it on rooftops, empowering consumers …

EU funding possibilities in the energy sector

The European Investment Bank (EIB) helps finance energy projects by providing companies with loans and other financial instruments. Together with the European Commission, the EIB …

Poland: EIB and NordLB sign agreement to finance …

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale have signed an agreement to support renewable energy projects in EU countries. The €250 million in financing will be used to back …

European Energy is building its first project in Australia

European Energy has initiated construction on what will be its first operating project in Australia, a 56 MW solar farm, marking the company''s debut operating project in the country. Located in the Hume region of Victoria, …

Solar power in the European Union

OverviewEU solar energy strategyPhotovoltaic solar powerConcentrated solar powerSolar thermalOrganisationsSee also

The EU''s solar energy capacity increased significantly from 164.19 GW in 2021 to 259.99 GW by 2023, with employment in the sector growing from 466,000 workers in 2021 to 648,100 by the end of 2022, representing a 39% increase. These developments are part of the REPowerEU plan, which targets over 320 GW of solar photovoltaic capacity by 2025 and nearly 600 GW by 2030. The growth in jobs suggests the possibility of exceeding 1 million solar workers by 2025, ahead …

European Solar Charter

Solar energy, in particular photovoltaics (PV), is currently the fastest growing renewable energy source in the EU. Last year, 56 GW of solar PV were installed in the EU, …


The regions involved in the Solar Industry Regions Europe (SIRE) partnership welcome the EU Solar Energy Strategy, which aims to expand photovoltaic solar energy in the EU to more than …

Our projects

Marksbury Plain Solar Farm is an innovative 14MW renewable energy project in North East Somerset. Developed in collaboration with European Energy, this solar farm will contribute …

European Solar Charter

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Solar energy

The EU funds research aiming to find new materials, better design photovoltaic cells to make more efficient solar panels and lower the cost of generating electricity. Concentrated Solar …

Most Impressive Solar Projects From Around The World

Solar energy is already playing a major part in the energy production mix for many countries. This is especially true for those with exposure to high levels of solar radiation. ... Although many …


European Energy Australia is always interested to hear from businesses looking to partner on projects and opportunities in the renewable energy space. We have a successful track record …

Solar energy

As part of the REPowerEU plan, the Commission adopted in May 2022 an EU solar energy strategy, which identifies remaining barriers and challenges in the solar energy …

Solar power in the European Union

Solar power consists of photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal energy in the European Union (EU).. In 2010, the €2.6 billion European solar heating sectors consisted of small and medium-sized …

20 Biggest Solar Projects in Europe by 2021

This current project will be added to Elvin''s Energy Project portfolio. France''s Solar Tender Project. In the fourth round of France''s solar tender, certain solar-based projects …

Solar power in the European Union

In support of its solar energy strategy, the EU has implemented three key initiatives. Firstly, the European Solar Rooftops Initiative aims to increase solar installations on buildings. Secondly, …

Solar Energy Development In Europe: Opportunities

Discover the opportunities and challenges of solar energy in Europe. Learn about the EU''s strategy and initiatives to create a sustainable energy system.

Solar energy in the EU

EU measures to boost solar energy include making the installation of solar panels on the rooftops of new buildings obligatory within a specific timeframe, streamlining permitting procedures for …

In focus: Solar energy – harnessing the power of the …

The Horizon 2020 SolAqua project explores the use of solar irrigation, where solar energy powers the pump which supplies water, as a zero-emission energy for crop irrigation. Innovative technologies, such as floating …

Solar Energy Development In Europe: Opportunities & Challenges

Discover the opportunities and challenges of solar energy in Europe. Learn about the EU''s strategy and initiatives to create a sustainable energy system.