Solar Cycle Progression
The solar cycle is important for determining the lifetime of satellites in low-Earth orbit, as the drag on the satellites correlates with the solar cycle, especially as represented by F10.7cm. A …
In this sense, a solar cyclicity is self-oscillating mechanism of discrete (per cycle) regulation of energy (convective zone) of the Sun, which ensures the stability of its …
The change of the solar cyclicity mode
The development of this cycle indicated a relatively low level of the solar activity; its amplitude may be the lowest for the latest 100 years. All these facts may be symptoms of a …
Cyclicity in Earth sciences, quo vadis? Essay on cycle concepts in ...
According to Rampino et al. (2021, p. 6), the correlation and cyclicity of these episodes point to an essentially periodic and coordinated geological record, whose origin "may be entirely a …
Solar cyclic activity over the last millennium reconstructed from
solar activity is reconstructed in three physics-based steps: (1) Correction of the 14C production rate for the changing geomagnetic field; (2) Computation of the open solar magnetic flux; …
The change of the solar cyclicity mode
The direction of the field may vary, which results in the change in the mode of the solar cyclicity, when the GO rule is inversed. We present observational facts that confirm the …
Solar cyclicity during the epoch of the Spörer minimum – …
It is, however, difficult to answer the question of whether any cyclicity of solar activity persisted during this period. A weak quasi 22-year periodicity may be present in the …
Diagnostics of the solar activity influence on the global …
It is shown that with increasing solar influence at high SA, wave activity decreases in the layer between 100 and 170 km, while in higher layers an increase in wave …
Title: On cyclic activity of the Sun and solar-type stars
The cyclicity of 33 solar-type stars that are similar to 11-year and to the quasi-biennial variations of solar radiation have studied. Our calculation were based on new …
The Influence of Solar Cyclicity on the Earth''s Climate
Solar activity is characterized by a number of cycles, first of all, the Schwabe cycle (~11 years), the magnetic Hale cycle (~22 years), and the secular Gleissberg cycle. On …
Long-Term Modulation of Solar Cycles | Space Science Reviews
Solar activity has a cyclic nature with the ≈11-year Schwabe cycle dominating its variability on the interannual timescale. However, solar cycles are significantly modulated in …
The 11 yr Solar Cycle
The various solar sequences that genuinely display an ~11 yr cycle stand to benefit from an understanding of its periodicity that goes beyond statistical rigour. The outcome could …
Microstratigraphy of the Lower Mississippian Sunbury Shale: A …
Microstratigraphic analysis of the Sunbury Shale has yielded a high-resolution record of probable short-term climatic changes in the Early Mississippian central Appalachian basin. The …
The increase in the area (energy intensity) of the "phase portrait" of the solar cycle 23 served as a harbinger of the failure of the 11-year cyclicity, which is confirmed by a …
HALE CYCLICITY OF SOLAR ACTIVITY AND CLIMATE VARIABILITY 459 These results can be used to compare solar and climatic variations in the range of periods of the Hale cycle. 3. …
In this sense, a solar cyclicity is self-oscillating mechanism of discrete (per cycle) regulation of energy (convective zone) of the Sun, which ensures the stability of its temperature.
Medium-Sized Solar Cycles in Different Epochs of Solar Activity
The study of the characteristics, the course of development, the distinctive properties of individual solar cycles (SCs), and the rules of their alternation will allow one to …
Long-Term Solar Cycle Evolution: Review of Recent Developments
This paper gives a review of the recent achievements and findings in long-term evolution of solar activity cycles such as determinism and chaos in sunspot cyclicity, cycles …
Cyclicity of Solar Activity During the Maunder Minimum
This paper presents the features of the "eleven-year" cycle of radiocarbon content during the period of prolonged sunspot minimum called the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD). Whether …
Solar cyclic activity over the last millennium reconstructed from ...
The 11-year solar cycle (Schwabe cycle) is the dominant pattern of solar magnetic activity reflecting the oscillatory dynamo mechanism in the Sun''s convection zone. Solar cycles have …
The Influence of Solar Cyclicity on the Earth''s Climate
Studies of how solar cyclicity observed on different time scales are manifested in various climatic characteristics are of great significance, since they allow us to understand …