Room temperature superconductor discovered? : r/Physics
Obviously the appropriate response here is skepticism, but room temperature superconductivity isn''t necessarily crackpot territory. There is no fundamental limit on Tc, and the known high-Tc …
Room-Temperature Superconductivity Heats Up – …
The issue is once again simmering. In January 2024, a group of researchers from Europe and South America announced they had achieved a milestone in room …
Room-temperature superconductivity in graphite ushers in a ...
Then, in 1986 Georg Bednorz and Alex Müller (Nobel laureates) discovered what came to be called high-temperature superconductivity (the adjective high could be …
Room-temperature superconductors: The facts behind the ''holy …
What is superconductivity? All materials possess a property known as resistivity — try to send an electrical current through them, and some of the energy in the current …
Why Room-Temperature Superconductors Are the ''Holy Grail'' of …
"Even though the mechanism may not be known and even though people are still trying to understand high-temperature superconductors, there''s no physics reason why we …
Superconducting materials: Challenges and opportunities for large …
Very recently, room temperature superconductivity, which had always been a dream of researchers over the past 100 years, was reported in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride …
Why don''t room temperature superconductors exist?
It seems like high-temperature and low-temperature superconductors are not too rare. But, why don''t any superconductors work at room temperature? No theories seem to …
High-temperature superconductors and their large-scale …
A superconductor is a material that, when its temperature drops below a certain point, known as the critical temperature (T c), shows a direct current (DC) electrical resistance …
How do superconductors work?
New Study Bolsters Room-Temperature Superconductor Claim by Kenneth Chang. The New York Times, 23 June 2023. Scientists are debating whether a material made …
Room Temperature Superconductors and Energy
A room temperature superconductor would likely cause dramatic changes for energy transmission and storage. It will likely have more, indirect effects by modifying other devices that use this energy. In general, a room temperature …
eli5: What is superconductivity and what are the implications of …
Superconductivity is a special property in some materials that allows electricity to flow without any resistance. A room temperature breakthrough means we could use super …
Energy Impact of Superconductors
Although superconductor is not an energy resources, it could reduce the energy loss and consumption, help to build high efficiency power plant and store electric energy. If one day the …
Room-temperature superconductors could …
Room-temperature superconducting materials would lead to many new possibilities for practical applications, including ultraefficient electricity grids, ultrafast and energy-efficient computer...
The 2021 room-temperature superconductivity roadmap
Recently, the dream of A-SC has been revived by the discovery of superconductivity at 203 K in the high-pressure superhydride SH 3, followed quickly by LaH 10 …
eli5: What is superconductivity and what are the implications of …
Superconductivity is a special property in some materials that allows electricity to flow without any resistance. A room temperature breakthrough means we could use super-efficient, energy …
How would room-temperature superconductors change science?
Superconductivity is lost not only when temperatures rise, but also when a material is either pushed to carry more than a certain amount of current or exposed to a high …
Superconducting materials: Challenges and opportunities for …
Very recently, room temperature superconductivity, which had always been a dream of researchers over the past 100 years, was reported in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride …
Room Temperature Superconductivity in Thorium Salts Reveals …
The newly claimed room temperature superconducting material, LK-99, revived the century''s hope for a superconductor to surpass the major milestone of superconducting …
How would room-temperature superconductors …
In a superconductor-based quantum computer, performance quickly degrades when the temperature rises even by a fraction of a degree — for reasons that have nothing to do with superconductivity.
Room-temperature superconductivity has been …
Room-temperature superconductors—materials that conduct electricity with zero resistance without needing special cooling—are the sort of technological miracle that would upend daily life.
Room-temperature superconductivity has been achieved for …
Room-temperature superconductors—materials that conduct electricity with zero resistance without needing special cooling—are the sort of technological miracle that …
Room Temperature Superconductors and Energy
A room temperature superconductor would likely cause dramatic changes for energy transmission and storage. It will likely have more, indirect effects by modifying other devices that use this …
Room-temperature superconductors could revolutionize …
Room-temperature superconducting materials would lead to many new possibilities for practical applications, including ultraefficient electricity grids, ultrafast and …
How would room-temperature superconductors …
Superconductivity is lost not only when temperatures rise, but also when a material is either pushed to carry more than a certain amount of current or exposed to a high enough magnetic field.
Room-temperature superconductor
A room-temperature superconductor is a hypothetical material capable of displaying superconductivity above 0 °C (273 K; 32 °F), operating temperatures which are commonly encountered in everyday settings. As of 2023, the material with the highest accepted superconducting temperature was highly pressurized lanthanum decahydride, whose transition temperature is approximately 250 K (−23 °C) at 200 GPa.
Viewpoint: the road to room-temperature conventional superconductivity …
In our view, the first aim is to understand why some hydrides achieve room-temperature superconductivity, while others do not. This is a step beyond the state-of-the-art …
Room-temperature superconductor
A room-temperature superconductor is a hypothetical material capable of displaying superconductivity above 0 °C (273 K; 32 °F), operating temperatures which are commonly …
Room-temperature superconductors: The facts behind …
What is superconductivity? All materials possess a property known as resistivity — try to send an electrical current through them, and some of the energy in the current inevitably gets lost.